Located at PJC main campus
The Armchair economist: economics and everyday life - Steven Landsburg - Economics
The Black Swan: the impact of the highly improbable by Nassim N. Taleb - Economics
Larry McMurtry: a life - Tracy Daugherty - English
Holly: a novel - by Stephen King - English
Gray Hat hacking: the ethical hacker's handbook 6th edition - Computer Science
Artificial intelligence for improved patient outcomes - Daniel W. Byrne - Health occupations
Located at PJC main campus
Resilience: hard won wisdom for living a better life - author Eric Greitens
Above the line: lessons in leadership and life from a championship program - author Urban Meyer
Winner within: a life plan for team players by Pat Riley
Eight men out: the Black Sox and the 1919 world series author Eliot Asinof
Promises to keep: how Jackie Robinson changed America: Sharon Robinson
The Glory of their times: the story of the early days of baseball told by the men who played it - author Lawrence Ritter.
The Back roads to March: the unsung, unheralded, and unknown heroes of a college basketball season author John Feinstein
The Messiah method: the seven disciplines of the winningest college soccer program in America author Michael Zigarelli