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HOME: Social Sciences

Writing Lab

The PJC writing lab is available to assist you! The writing center is located in the administration building in room 125 (at the end of the English hall).


  • Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 3:00pm 

Call the Writing Center at 903-782-0314 for more information.

writingcenter email

Social Sciences Programs

Library Databases


PJC on campus

the main Academic database is ProQuest

Accessing Databases from Off Campus:

  1. Go to Paris Junior College Homepage
  2. Click on Quick Links
  3. Select Library Services
  4. Under Library Links click on Databases (off-campus login)
  5. User name is your student ID number
  6. Password is your birthday (mmddyyyy)

To access the academic databases from home, click here:

Online Catalog

Search the online catalog by

  • Title
  • Author
  • General Keyword
  • Subject Keyword

To browse the open stacks for books on Social Sciences, use the following Library of Congress (LoC) subject headings:

H Social Sciences
HA Statistics
HB Economic theory:  Demography
HC Economic history and conditions
HE Transportation and communication
HF Commerce
HG Finance
HJ Public finance
HM Sociology
HN Social history and conditions.
      Social problems.  Social reform
HQ The family.  Marriage.  Women
HS Societies:  secret, benevolent, etc.
HT Communities.  Classes.  Races
HV Social pathology.  Social and public welfare
HX Socialism.  Communism.  Anarhism