To gain confidence in the outcome of the photographic process. To learn to see as the camera does. To remove photographic technique as an obstacle to creativity.
Students will
Special accommodations will be provided to any student that has special needs documented in the form of a letter from the Student Development (Counseling) Office.
Handouts | Students are responsible for having all handouts.
ARTS 2356 Photography I (50.0605.51 26)
ARTS 2357 Photography II (50.0605.52 26)
ARTS 2389 Photography III (3 SCH version) (24.0103.52 12)
All work and tests submitted for a grade in this class must be done entirely by the student. Failure to do your own work is cheating. Cheating will result in failure for that test or assignment, possible failure of the course, and/or expulsion from the college.