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Photography 1, 2 & 3: Home

Digital Darkroom

  1. Paris Junior College uses Macintosh computers and Adobe Photoshop software.  Photoshop on the Macintosh is almost identical to Photoshop in the PC, so the skills acquired in this class can be applied to both computer platforms.
  2. A very important part of photography is cleanliness.  Keep your station as neat and clean as possible.  You cannot leave until your station is clean.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

To gain confidence in the outcome of the photographic process.  To learn to see as the camera does.  To remove photographic technique as an obstacle to creativity.

Students will

  1. learn the rules of composition and be able to recognize and use them in photographs.
  2. develop and use a photo filing system.
  3. explore different methods of photographic presentation.
  4. discuss photography as a career option.
  5. produce a portfolio by completing the class projects.

Special Accommodations

Special accommodations will be provided to any student that has special needs documented in the form of a letter from the Student Development (Counseling) Office.

Suggested Course Materials


  1. Camera:  It is ideal if the student has his own.  PJC has no digital cameras available for loan to students; however, filmn cameras are available.  Wal-Mart can process film and burn the images to a CD.
  2. Paper:  Ilford Galerie (smooth pearl surface) is recommended, but emperimentation with other photo papers is encouraged.  Paper must be compatible with Epson 2200 printers.  Students must supply their own paper.
  3. Mount Board:  Student projects will be mounted on 11 x 14 white mount board.  Student must supply.  It can be purchased at Quality Craft Picture Framing.  Dry mount adhesive will be provided by the school.
  4. 12-Inch Metal Ruler and Xacto Knife (OPTIONAL):  A rotary paper cutter is available in class.  Use whichever you can get the best results with.  Both are used to trim photos in preparation for mounting.
  5. Textbook (OPTIONAL):  Introduction to Digital Photography by Joseph Ciaglia is recommended.  It can be purchased online.
  6. Document Sleeves and Notebook:  To store and protect your photos.

Handouts | Students are responsible for having all handouts.

Course Description from the PJC Catalog

ARTS 2356 Photography I (50.0605.51 26)

  • Course Description:  The Paris Junior College Catalog describes this course as:  An introduction to the digital camera, digital software and image printing.  Assignments are designed to implement basic camera controls and compositional techniques.  Fee charged.

ARTS 2357 Photography II (50.0605.52  26)

  • Course Description:   The Paris Junior College Catalog describes this course as: Further exploration into photography with the digital camera, including experimentation and refinement of the final print and digital software technology.  Fee charged.

ARTS 2389 Photography III  (3 SCH version) (24.0103.52  12)

  • Course Description:   The Paris Junior College Catalog describes this course as:  An instructional program designed to integrate on-campus study with practical hands-on work experience.  In conjuction with class seminars, the individual student will set specific goals and objectives in the study of studion art and/or history.

Ethics & Honesty

All work and tests submitted for a grade in this class must be done entirely by the student.  Failure to do your own work is cheating.  Cheating will result in failure for that test or assignment, possible failure of the course, and/or expulsion from the college.