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Microbiology: Microbiology

materials related to 2420 coursework

Online Catalog

Search the online catalog by

  • Title
  • Author
  • Generl Keyword
  • Subject Keyword

To browse the open stacks for books on Microbiology, use the following Library of Congress (LoC) subject heading:  QR



  • National Geographic
  • Popular Mechanics
  • Popular Science
  • Scientific American
  • Texas Parks and Wildlife

Microbiology images



PJC on campus

the main Academic database is ProQuest

Accessing Databases from Off Campus:

  1. Go to Paris Junior College Homepage
  2. Click on Quick Links
  3. Select Library Services
  4. Under Library Links click on Databases (off-campus login)
  5. User name is your student ID number
  6. Password is your birthday (mmddyyyy)

To access the academic databases from home, click here: