These are additional sites that you may find helpful in creating citations or writing your paper:
In many databases you will find tools to help you create a citation. When you find an article that you like in Ebsco databases, click the citation tool found on the right to create a citation.
This citation option will create a citation in various formats such as APA, MLA, etc.
Copy and paste the citation, but be sure to check for errors.
Citations and creating a research paper can be tricky. Check out the materials on this page to guide you.
Below is a online link to help you with your research citations. They are officially sanctioned by the Paris Junior College Communications Division and the Paris Junior College Library. Be careful when using automatic citation generators. Many of those sites create incorrect citations.
Things to remember when working on a research paper:
√Determine whether the source is relevant. Will the source help you accomplish your purpose and address your readers' needs, interests, values, and beliefs?
√Determine whether the source provides evidence and uses it appropriately. Is enough evidence of the right kind offered? Is evidence used fairly, is it convincing, and is its source provided?
√Learn about the author of the source. Ask whether the author is knowledgable. Try to determine the author's affiliation and consider how the author's biases affect the agruments, ideas, and arguments in the source.
√Learn about the publisher of the source. Try to locate information about the publisher, and reflect on how the publisher's biases affect the information, ideas, and arguments in the source.
√Think about the timeliness of the source and its impact on and relevance to your project.
√Consider the comprehensiveness of the source and its impact on and relevance to your project.
√Consider the genre of the source and its impact on the kind of information included in the source, the manner in which information is used by the author, and the likely audience for which the source was written.
Source: Palmquist, Mike. The Bedford Researcher, 3rd ed. Boston: Bedford, 2009. Print.