Produced by the US Department of Agriculture FoodData Central can be used to find the composition of a specific food. Also allows you to find the composition of different weights of that product.
The International Network of Food Data Systems has developed standards and guidelines for collection, compilation, and reporting of food component data. Includes links to online sources of food composition information and discussion groups.
Search for articles across the biomedical sciences including nutrition
Produced by the Joint FAO/WHO Committee on Food Additives this database includes food additives other than flavourings. The specifications can be searched by name, INS number, CAS number, or by other factors such as functional use.
Information on allergens, ingredients, food and color additives, food contact substances, and labeling requirements.
Produced by the Joint FAO/WHO Committee on Food Additives this database includes food flavourings. The specifications can be searched by name, JECFA number, Flavour and Extract Manufacturer's Association of the USA (FEMA) number, Council of Europe (COE) number and the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number.
Information about chemical entities and chemical reactions, interactions and processes. Allows you to jump from chemical to chemical via the associated interactions, reactions and processes.
Useful site for defining and identifying substances. Maintained by the US National Library of Medicine.
Search substance, compound or bioassay databases to find chemical information including structures, synonyms, molecular weight and formula.
This handbook provides basic facts regarding foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and natural toxins. It brings together in one place information from the Food & Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, the USDA Food Safety Inspection Service, and the National Institutes of Health.
This handbook covers food safety guidelines and regulations and is a compendium of the latest information on food safety systems.
Lecture on food toxicology produced by the University of Idaho.
A membership organisation for scientists working in all areas of microbiology. Undergraduate membership is around £10 per year and gives access to the magazine Microbiology today.
Site includes factsheets about specific aspects of toxicology and results of the toxicity studies it undertakes for specific chemicals.
Produced by the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry this list contains substances which are considered to be a threat to human health due to their frequency, toxicity and potential for human exposure.
A self-paced tutorial covering key principles of toxicology produced by the US National Library of Medicine
Focuses on chemical and microbiological analysis in areas of food, drugs, agriculture, environment, forensics. We subscribe to their Official Methods of Analysis
The Codex Alimentarius Commission is the body responsible for compiling the standards, codes of practice, guidelines and recommendations that constitute the Codex Alimentarius. The Codex Alimentarius, or Food Code, aims to protect public health and encourage fair practices in worldwide food trade.
Includes several databases with detailed statistics for production, trade and commodity supply and demand.
IFIS produce a range of food-related information including the key database in this field - Food Science and Technology Abstracts. The IFIS site includes information about products and a list of journal titles scanned for inclusion in the FSTA database.
American organisation whose aim is to advance the science of food.
Leatherhead Food Research is a research, information and training centre for the food and drinks industry. It's site includes information about services, products and publications.
Includes information on food additives, food safety and food labelling.
Contains trends and production overviews for over 100 countries.
The USDA and its 17 agencies deal with issues related to food, agriculture and natural resources.
ASA is scientific organization that promotes the exchange of knowledge and practices to sustain production of plants for food and fuel, and land reclamation.
CSA is a scientific organization that promotes promotes "conservation and wise use of natural resources to produce food, feed, fiber, fuel, and pharmaceutical crops while maintaining and improving the environment."
SSSA is scientific organization that promotes the exchange of knowledge and practices to sustain soils.
An educational and scientific organization dedicated to the development of engineering solutions in agricultural, food, and biological systems.
The USDA's National Agriculture Library is one of the largest collections related to agricultural information in the World. Its catalog includes references to books and journals related to a wide variety of agricultural topics.
This site, from the National Center for Appropriate Technology, provides farmers and others with information about sustainable agriculture. It includes a web site that provides information on Internships and Apprenticeships related to sustainable agriculture.
NRCS provides technical and financial assistance to help farmers, ranchers and landowners to promote conservation. It also maintains interactive mapping sites on soils, snowpack, water, drought and other natural resources.
This USDA Center identifies and provides access to information resources about sustainable food systems and practices.
The PLANTS database from the U.S. Department of Agriculture provides information about vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens found in the U.S. and its territories. It can be used to search both common and scientific names. Results include information about the plant, its distribution, status (endangered or threatened), and pictures. Links to other information about the plants in the database are also included.
A website that can be used to do a Google search for publications and resources provided by Cooperative Extension Service groups at over 70 Land-Grant universities.
A selective collection of agricultural information including web sites, image collections, lists of publications, documents, databases, and institutional repository resources, an events Calendar and news related to agriculture, the environment and food sciences.
An alliance and partnership of over 60 institutions and organizations that provides access to agricultural information and sources.
A list of subject headings used to describe publications that are indexed in AGRICOLA.
National Agricultural Library and Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, 2017. [National Agriculture Library] Glossary 2017 Edition. Bethesda, MD: National Agriculture Library. Accessed August 1, 2017.
A publication from the Congressional Research Service developed as part of the work done to develop a new Farm Bill. It is available in the University of North Texas Digital Repository.
A publication from the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations that provides information on terms related to food, nutrition, agriculture, fisheries, forestry and the environment in 23 languages.
This site from the University of British Columbia can be used to find the title of a journal by searching its abbreviation.