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Accounting/Business Administration: Home

Library Databases


PJC on campus

the main Academic database is ProQuest

Accessing Databases from Off Campus:

  1. Go to Paris Junior College Homepage
  2. Click on Quick Links
  3. Select Library Services
  4. Under Library Links click on Databases (off-campus login)
  5. User name is your student ID number
  6. Password is your birthday (mmddyyyy)

To access the academic databases from home, click here:


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Accounting/Business Administration


This guide has been created specifically to assist you with your Accounting classwork! Please look through the guide as you will find materials related to your classes and handouts etc...


On line Catalog

The catalog is available for your research needs. Type in the title of your book you are studying or the author and you will find materials to assist you with your paper. Use the subject search with search terms to find additional resources.

PJC online catalog